Friday 18 October 2013

Una"s blog: "The Sats can"t wait to meet baby Parker"

Hi everyone

I’m so happy for Frankie and Wayne on the birth of their darling baby boy Parker. He was born weighing 7lbs 13oz which is the same as my little girl Aoife. The Sats aunties are all delighted for them and can’t wait to meet him.

It’s been a busy week for the Saturdays because our album Living For The Weekend came out on Monday. We did one of the first ever digital signings earlier in the week. It was pretty amazing, it’s like a virtual signing where you can interact with the fans about the album, answer their questions and scribble a note to them virtually and send it across. It was a real contrast from the boxes of singles that we were busy signing a couple of weeks ago. A lot of what we do these days is digital and social media based because that’s what people want.


The fact that much of our work revolves around the Internet has its advantages and disadvantages for us as musicians. I remember when I was younger, if you wanted to get in touch with a band or singer you liked then you had to write a letter. But now you can tweet them or leave a comment on Facebook and there’s a much higher chance of you being able to interact with them.


We don’t see every tweet that comes our way but when I log on I do see a lot of them. The Sats’ Twitter accounts are all run by us personally and I look at mine a few times a day to scroll through the mentions and see what people are saying. I follow quite a few of fans too. Some fans spam us for a follow so I tend not to follow them but our genuine fans don’t do that and I’m always glad to follow them. Often I recognise their names or faces from gigs so I like following them to keep in touch. I’m a big fan of Instagram too and those photos go automatically to my Facebook and Twitter accounts.


I don’t actually have a personal Facebook account anymore. Someone once set up a quite convincing account pretending to be me and even went as far as sending messages to my friends. The user had somehow got their hands on photos of me from a few years ago and managed to convince one of my friends that it was really me and they exchanged a few messages. It wasn’t until my friend said to be “oh, I’ll message you on Facebook” that I realised she was speaking to someone that wasn’t me. Luckily it was easily sorted and nothing bad ever became of it. For that reason I prefer having a Twitter account because it’s verified so you can be sure it’s me.

An obvious disadvantage of being an artist in the digital age is competing with illegal downloading. It’s being going on for a long time and if people can get away with it, they will do it and the industry suffers because of it.

I’m looking forward to a chilled weekend with my family and friends – I’ll let you know what we get up to next week.

Love from Una xxxx – Home updates

Una"s blog: "The Sats can"t wait to meet baby Parker"

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