Saturday 26 October 2013

Fans urge Jay Z to ditch clothing deal with luxury store which has been accused of "racial profiling"

The hip icon is about to release a luxury clothing line at Barney’s in New York following two alleged incidents involving young black people

Jay Z: Fans have urged the singer to boycott Barney
Jay Z: Fans have urged the singer to boycott Barney’s in New York

Lionel Urman / Splash News

Fans have urged hip hop icon Jay Z to ditch a deal to launch a luxury clothing line in a high end store which has been accused of racial profiling.

Barney’s in New York has been involved in alleged incidents involving two young African Americans who bought items at the store.

Trayon Christian says he was arrested and accused of fraud after buying a designer label belt, while Kayla Philips says she was racially profiled after buying a designer bag.

An online protest calling on Jay Z to walk away from his Barneys collection has reportedly received several thousand signatures.

Barneys denies the allegations, the BBC reports, but said it would review its procedures.

On its Facebook page, the firm said “Barney’s New York believes that no customer should have the unacceptable experience described in recent media reports, and we offer our sincere regret and deepest apologies.

“To this end, we are conducting a thorough review of our practices and procedures as they relate to these matters to ensure that they reflect our continued commitment to fairness and equality.”

In a statement posted on Barney’s website, Jay Z said: “I move and speak based on facts and not emotion. I haven’t made any comments because I am waiting on facts and the outcome of a meeting between community leaders and Barneys.”

He said proceeds from the collaboration with Barney’s would go to the Shawn Carter Foundation.

mirror – 3am

Fans urge Jay Z to ditch clothing deal with luxury store which has been accused of "racial profiling"

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