Wednesday 30 October 2013

Nice Countdown Girl photos

A few nice countdown girl images I found:

countdown girl

Image by snej

My response to the recent "covers of your favorite albums" meme. (Made with the freeware app Clutter.)

20081010 – Freezepop @ AnimeUSA – 169-6963 – left screen, audience
countdown girl

Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)
Freezepop played at AnimeUSA!

As you can see, they had huge screens set up on both sides of the stage. But we were close enough to not need to use them. See the pink-haired black girl? Normal fare for AnimeUSA. :)

musician: Liz Enthusiasm, musician: Sean T. Drinkwater.

audience, people, screen.

Hyatt Regency, hotel, Arlington, Virginia.

October 10, 2008.

… Read my blog at

… View my list of every concert I’ve ever been to at

BACKSTORY: Kasson Crooker was not available and was replaced for this show, but Liz Enthusiasm and The Other Sean T. Drinkwater played, and some members of the (horrible) opening "band" sometimes played some backup instruments as well. Freezepop played the following songs: Boys On Film, Parlez Vous Freezepop, Science Genius Girl (diff mix than the FreQuency or Freezepop Forever versions), Bike Thief, Get Ready 2 Rokk, Frontload, Super-Sprode, Brainpower, Plastic Stars, Stakeout, Less Talk More Rokk, The Final Countdown (by Europe). The only disappointing thing was that they did not Freezepop Forever or the Jem & The Holograms theme – the two most-requested songs by the auidence.

…View video of Freezepop playing Super-Sprode (complete with someone throwing their undies on the stage as the lyrics instruct) at:

…View video of Freezepop playing Less Talk More Rokk at:

…View video of Freezepop playing Europe’s The Final Countdown at:

20081010 – Freezepop @ AnimeUSA – 169-6973 – Super-Sprode – throw your undies on the stage (28s) (mjpeg) (20fps) (mono snd)
countdown girl

Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)

Freezepop played at AnimeUSA!

Oh wow! Someone actually threw underwear on the stage when the lyrics said "now throw your undies on the stage… no wait…. you’re underage"! Someone must have been planning this! I was surprised enough that they played Super-Sprode, as I thought people didn’t know that song. But they played what I consider to be their 4 "main" video game songs: Science Genius Girl from FreQuency, Super-Sprode from Amplitude, Get Ready 2 Rokk from Guitar Hero 1, and More Talk Less Rokk from Guitar Hero 2.

musician: Liz Enthusiasm, musician: Sean T. Drinkwater.

playing keytars, singing, throwing underwear.

Super-Sprode song.

music: Amplitude.

Hyatt Regency, hotel, Arlington, Virginia.

October 10, 2008.

… I used to have a list of every concert I’ve ever been to at … but a jerk named John Edstrom (from Virginia Tech) decided to delete everyone’s shell accounts, even those who had been using our Virginia Tech ACM accounts for 15 years.

BACKSTORY: Kasson Crooker was not available and was replaced for this show, but Liz Enthusiasm and The Other Sean T. Drinkwater played, and some members of the (horrible) opening "band" sometimes played some backup instruments as well. Freezepop played the following songs: Boys On Film, Parlez Vous Freezepop, Science Genius Girl (diff mix than the FreQuency or Freezepop Forever versions), Bike Thief, Get Ready 2 Rokk, Frontload, Super-Sprode, Brainpower, Plastic Stars, Stakeout, Less Talk More Rokk, The Final Countdown (by Europe). The only disappointing thing was that they did not play Freezepop Forever or the Jem & The Holograms theme – the two most-requested songs by the auidence.

…View video of Freezepop playing Super-Sprode (complete with someone throwing their undies on the stage as the lyrics instruct) at:

…View video of Freezepop playing Less Talk More Rokk at:

…View video of Freezepop playing Europe’s The Final Countdown at:

…Read my blog review of the entire Freezepop show at

Nice Countdown Girl photos

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