Monday 28 October 2013

One boob job is enough: Melanie Sykes reveals the secrets to looking sexy at 43

TV presenter Melanie Sykes married 27-year-old roofer Jack Cockings this summer and at 43 is looking hotter than ever.

Here she reveals the secret to looking sexy in your forties… and her weakness for pork scratchings.

How important is it for you to stay fit?

Exercise is a massive part of my life.

I have made a commitment to my fitness and it makes me feel good. As a young mum, I want to be fit for my sons, Roman and Valentino, who are 11 and nine, to always be around for them.

I feel as good now as I did in my 20s but that comes with confidence.

Did you stick to a special exercise regime to be a bride?

When I went on my hen weekend, I was boozing my little a*** off and I wasn’t even thinking about the big day.

But my personal trainer Jermaine ­McCubbine, who has trained me for about three years, put me through my paces beforehand.

He is a brilliant trainer and a great mate.

Describe your workout

I train for about three hours a week doing weights, boxing and core stability exercises and I swim about 30 lengths once or twice a week.

I do the school run every day and I walk everywhere. I am on my feet most of the day– that’s why I’ve signed up to Bupa’s Ground Miles campaign. 

Everyone should walk as much as they can and get out for some exercise. It’s good for clearing your head.


Any food vices?

I love pork scratchings and I love white wine. But they are a nightmare for putting weight on. I like Lucozade but it’s very sugary and I try to avoid drinking too much.

I don’t eat what I want as I have a big appetite. I try to avoid overeating and I cut down on things like pasta.

How much do you weigh and have you ever dieted?

I don’t know what I weigh because I never get on the scales. But I am a size 10 all over and I go by what fits me rather than what I weigh.

When I was a model years ago, there was a diet called Fit For Life, which involved eating fruit until lunch and not mixing proteins and carbs.

I was very slim then and there was a pressure to look a certain way. But that is the point of modelling.

You have to look a certain shape because if you look fat, you don’t look good and you don’t get work. I don’t diet now though.

Melanie Sykes attending the TRIC Awards 2012
Style: Melanie attending the TRIC Awards last year



What’s your last-minute red carpet fix?

If I am walking down the red carpet I don’t eat a big meal as it’s not nice to feel bloated in a tight dress.

Would you have any cosmetic surgery?

I had my boobs enlarged about three years ago. I went up a cup size. I was comfortable with that and they looked in proportion with my body.

I am not going to say what size they are. I never told anyone about my bra size before I had them done.

I had lost lots of weight and they had shrunk. They also didn’t look great after having my sons as I breast-fed them and they weren’t so pert.

I had been planning on having them done after Valentino was born but I never got around to it.

I am pleased with their shape. But I have no plans to have more surgery – where do you go after your boobs?

Melanie Sykes and Jack Cockings
In love: Melanie and Jack

Alan Davidson

Have you noticed any other signs of ageing?

I notice more wrinkles and fine lines as I get into my 40s. I have had grey hairs since I was 24 or 25 but I colour my hair as it makes me feel better about myself.

Do you have any phobias?

I get claustrophobic and I am afraid of heights. When I climbed Ben Nevis this summer, I had a bit of a wobble.

Years ago, I did a photo shoot on the top of a building in Canary Wharf and it was still being built. Everyone had hard hats on and they had me posing on the edge.

I was terrified.

We hear you’re training to be a professional clay-pigeon shooter

I am! Ever since I tried it, I have been hooked.

At the moment, I am mastering the Olympic Trap, a ­discipline that forms part of the programme at the Olympic Games.

I have a trainer but I am naturally good with a gun. I have always liked aiming games and I’m good at darts. I love the sound that firing the gun makes, the smell and hitting the target.

I’m very competitive with myself. It would be great to compete at Rio in 2016 but we’ll see…

Melanie Sykes
Pull!: Melanie ready to go shooting



You’re working with Gino D’Acampo on a Christmas ITV special. Is that fun?

It is! It’s on in December for two weeks and it’s all about the preparation for Christmas Day. I have such a giggle with Gino.

Everything is off the cuff and there are lots of double entendres flying about.

He hasn’t cooked with just an apron on yet like he did on This Morning but I’m not prudish. It would be hilarious if he did it on Gino and Mel – I would be trying to untie it all the time!

When was the last time you were star struck?

When I saw Liam Gallagher, who lives near me in North London, at my local chemist. Musicians always seem to have that effect.

I have never met Alex Turner from Arctic Monkeys but it would be the same!

Would you ever do a reality show like Strictly Come Dancing or I’m A Celebrity?

I pick TV projects where I can be at home. It is tough to leave my ­children for any length of time. Valentino has autism and needs me.

I couldn’t ­disappear out of his life for too long. I am always a mum no matter what I am doing.

If I’m working, then Jack helps with the kids and my sons have their dad, my ex-husband Daniel ­Caltagirone, who is around a lot.

Melanie is the ambassador for Bupa’s Ground Miles campaign,

mirror – 3am

One boob job is enough: Melanie Sykes reveals the secrets to looking sexy at 43

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